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Father Donald Calloway, MIC, of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, discusses St. Joseph's powerful intercession as our loving spiritual father.
In this interview, Father Donald Calloway discusses the St. Joseph films, "A Father's Heart" and "Our Liberator."
Fr. Calloway explains his experience and knowledge of the powerful intercession of St. Joseph, including the miraculous novena Dachau concentration camp prisoners prayed during World War II, which ultimately saved their lives from a death sentence.
Fr. Calloway continues the interview by answering how Catholics can respond to the growing spread of Marxist and communist ideologies. He reiterates the importance of turning to St. Joseph in tumultuous times.
Fr. Calloway also reveals the history behind the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, which began as a response to the communist workers' movement in the early 20th century.
The author of the "Consecration to St. Joseph" also discussed the sleeping St. Joseph statue tradition of writing notes, placing them under the statue, and entrusting the petition to the saint.
Originally recorded for ChurchPOP in 2023.