About Us

Christendom is home to some of the most dynamic voices in the Catholic world.

Created to platform and amplify Catholic voices in the world, we provide strategic and tactical support to a growing number of Catholic content creators.

A ‘big tent’ platform intent on representing diverse views from the Catholic world, we are unapologetically Catholic and evangelical, but encourage content creators to ask tough questions and wrestle with challenging ideas.

We also aspire to be bridgebuilders, providing opportunities for content creators to directly engage one another in conversation and hopefully, dial down some of the polarity in the Church.

So, buckle up. Don’t expect content creators to always agree with each other or to be shy about commenting on what Church leadership is up to. We’re giving a voice to millions of Catholics around the world who may not speak up from their pews or in a Church council meeting, but have strong opinions and love our Church and want to see Christ reign in this world.

Christendom is independent and lay-run. We don’t have any inquisitors on staff and only ask one thing from content creators: be faithful to the Church.