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00:01:14 - Mark's Story
00:04:28 - Becoming a Mature Father - 'put aside childish things' and create a strong family culture for the good of the children
00:09:50 - The Consequences of a Father's Abandonment
00:18:14 - A Scriptural Call to Maturity - the selfless practise of the virtues
00:21:45 - 'Puer Aeternus' - The Problem of the Eternal Child
00:25:57 - Suffering and Responsibility as Paths to True Manhood
00:28:00 - St Joseph as the Model for Faithful Fatherhood
00:30:41 - The Power of Structure in Fostering Manhood
00:36:38 - A Vision for the Future
00:38:15 - The Father's Blessing - and Passing it On
00:40:08 - A Commitment to Faithfulness and Growth