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Catholic Answers Live | January 3, 2025 Hour 1
00:00 - Introduction
05:43 - Can a baptized and confirmed Catholic whose been apart from the Catholic Church for years receive confession?
06:40 - You need to present the Catholic view on eschatology. This area is filled with wacky ideas by some Protestants.
16:21 - If a semi-powerful God is still powerful enough to make the universe out of nothing, what limit to His power might be compatible with that and yet keep Him from being able to prevent evil?
19:48 - Malachi Martin: Was he a complete fantasist or did some of his claims have grounds?
23:34 - TITLE QUESTION: Would marital relations with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle count as beastiality, given the rational nature of the turtles? Would it be morally licit for a Ninja Turtle to be in a romantic relationship with another species, like a human or a mutant salamander?
28:48 - Jimmy why does it seem like Jesus is against certain laws of Moses (such as stoning) when it was God who directed Moses to implement those laws?
34:04 - Why is simplicity better than complexity (for God)? Why is infinite regress impossible in the God proofs?
39:35 - Can you please justify God being so cruel and bloodthirsty in the Old Testament?
46:12 - Can you please do an episode on the grace of final perseverance ? There is so much there. Why we pray for the hour of death? Mother Teresa was said to have an exorcism at the end of her life to stop the final demonic attack that happens to us. I would be very interested to know what you could come up with. Your channel is wonderful. Thank you and God bless you
49:08 - Is self-repenting and self-casting out Demons a safe way for Salvation
52:08 - If absolute zero is the point where there is absolutely no kinetic energy or motion in an object, making it the coldest possible temperature, can God freeze an object below absolute zero?