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In this conversation, Mark Lambert discusses the ongoing Lenten journey and the mission of Catholic Unscripted. She highlights the organization's recent activities, including retreats and outreach efforts, and emphasizes the importance of community support through donations. Additionally, she shares plans for a new website aimed at enhancing user experience and expanding content offerings.
Katherine reflects on the significance of Lenten giving.
Catholic Unscripted aims to help Catholics grow in their faith.
The organization has been active in various retreats and conferences.
They are advocating against assisted suicide legislation in the UK.
Community support is crucial for their operations and outreach.
A new website is in development to improve user experience.
The existing site has limitations that they aim to address.
They plan to include more diverse Catholic authors in their content.
Financial contributions are essential for their future projects.
Katherine expresses gratitude for the community's support and engagement.
Sound Bites
"We've had a very busy year!"
Lenten Reflections and Support for Catholic Unscripted
Updates on Catholic Unscripted's Activities and Outreach
Future Plans and Website Development for Catholic Unscripted