Catholic Answers Live | November 1, 2024 Hour 1
0:00 - Introduction
03:45 - Was the union of Abraham and Sarah's servant Hagar--and the line that sprang from it--cursed?
10:38 - Why was the Ascension “necessary”?
13:05 - Some saints were said to have levitated. Will our resurrected bodies have abilities like levitation, telekinesis, etc.?
17:12 - What if the pope breaks the seal of confession? Is he excommunicated? Who would he be excommunicated from?
21:00 - Is the war in Israel/Hamas prophesied in the Bible?
24:06 - I’d like to know the church’s view on the union dock worker strike? Is it ok to stop working in this situation/what roles does the union play in society?
32:22 - After the bodily resurrection, do we live in Heaven, the new Earth, or some combination of the two?
33:14 - Why were there guards stationed at the tomb of Jesus if Jews only believed in Resurrection at the end of the world? Doesn’t this imply that the Jewish authorities at least thought Jesus’s followers believed Jesus could rise from the dead? Do you think His disciples believed he would rise after 3 days?
37:35 - Do you think that Jesus received any grace when he ate the Eucharist? I know He is the source of grace, but He was strengthened by an angel in the Agony in the garden. Curious to hear your thoughts on what is happening in both of these instances, on a metaphysical or ontological level.
42:40 - Are there instructions or limits to cursing? My intuition is that it is bad… but Jesus did curse a fig tree and said woe to whom betrayed Him. Was it OK because He’s God? Furthermore, would it be bad to curse a war and what would be the effect?
51:09 - TITLE QUESTION: When death occurs suddenly and the incident is faster than the brain can comprehend (as in the case of a submarine implosion) does God give a grace of awareness to the victim, or is it possible for the soul to be confused at the judgment seat of Christ?