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Paul and Beth Zucarelli explain the immense power of intercession as they relay Paul's near-death experience to Conor Gallagher.
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In this compelling episode, Conor and Paul discuss Paul's vivid recollections of his faith journey, including profound locutions and the transformative impact of intercessory prayer from Paul’s son and from Bishop Thomas Olmsted. He also reflects on the emotional toll his experience had on his family, particularly his wife, Beth, who witnessed these events unfold. Together, they discuss the significance of surrender, the reality of purgatory, Divine Mercy, and the importance of embracing one's faith wholeheartedly. Listen to how this miraculous event reshaped Paul's life and deepened his commitment to living out his faith.
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Paul Zucarelli is a Catholic author and speaker who shares his extraordinary near-death experience to inspire deeper faith and trust in God. A successful businessman and devoted family man, Paul’s life took a dramatic turn when he suffered sudden cardiac death. During this time, Paul encountered God and worshipped him in heaven, experiencing an overwhelming sense of unconditional love and unity with God. His miraculous return to life left him with a profound mission: to share the reality of God's mercy, the power of prayer, and the call to take faith seriously.
#Catholic #God #Love #neardeathexperience #spirituality #faith #intercession