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Today, we’re going to delve into an important topic: how Christian parents, especially in Third World countries like India, often unintentionally destroy their children’s vocations. For those of you watching from countries like the USA, Canada, or the UK, this might sound extreme or difficult to imagine. However, in Third World countries, this is, unfortunately, a harsh reality.
To give you some context, let’s briefly explore the reasons why Indian parents often fall into this pattern. First, many parents prioritize the wrong things in their children’s lives—focusing on money, societal status, and family reputation rather than God’s unique calling for them. Second, parents often treat their children as extensions of their own ambitions. To fulfill dreams they couldn’t achieve themselves, they end up controlling, molding, and emotionally manipulating their children. Third, parents in India frequently invest everything—financially and emotionally—in their children, expecting them to shoulder the family’s burdens as they grow older. While this may stem from love, it creates overwhelming pressure, robbing children of the freedom to follow their true vocation.
JD Catholic Engage is a Catholic channel that seeks to foster a deeper understanding of our Catholic faith by engaging with atheists, Protestants, non-Christians, and our fellow Catholics.
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