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Catholic Answers Live | January 3, 2025 Hour 2
00:00 - Introduction
01:56 - Where in the Old Testament does it say that the Messiah must rise from the dead as John 20:9 says? Why didn't Peter and John understand that?
05:13 - How would you explain the difference between animal and human intelligence, specifically as it relates to personhood?
11:13 - TITLE QUESTION: Some laws in the Old Testament seem random, consider a short dedicated to answering “why boiling a kid in its mum’s milk” is a law or “not shaving the hair of your temples” compared to other cults etc
19:20 - There is the idea of the Church giving mandated holidays/feasts days during medieval time to give peasants more "time off" than we get. Lots of arguing online about this. Your thoughts?
22:00 - Hello Jimmy I recently had a Protestant hit me with Psalm 115 specifically verses 4-5 where it talks about idols that have mouths and hands and feet but can’t walk or speak. I had no rebuttal, seeking your wisdom of how to respond. Thanks and God Bless
28:44 - Can you do a video or explain the concepts of poverty, chastity and obedience for the laity? Thank you and God bless you!
34:46 - How did Paul have the authority to arrest people outside of Judaea (like in Damascus, Syria)? How did the High Priest authorize people to perform arrests outside of Judaea?
40:53 - Is John the Baptist considered sinless, and are there any other saints that are considered sinless? (aside from Mary who of course is immaculate)
44:32 - Do we have any insights on the purification process in purgatory? Can our soul split or fracture to remove unclean portions? If it can split, will our souls retain consciousness or, in a sense, will we experience both heaven and hellfire?
50:15 - Is there really such a thing as the seamless tunic of Jesus?
53:04 - Can you give some speculation over Christ's coming in the case that man never fell—and Mary's role therein?