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Vespers I, Evening Prayer on the 6th Saturday/7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 22, 2025.
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00:00 Deus in Adjutorium
00:49 Hymn: "Creator of the Earth and Sky." translation ©2023 ICEL.
03:43 Psalm 113
05:37 Psalm 116v10-19
07:35 Canticle: Philippians 2v6-11
09:38 Reading: Hebrews 13v20-21
10:09 Responsory: Our hearts are filled with wonder as we contemplate Your works, O Lord.
11:04 Magnificat: Luke 1v46-55
13:26 Intercessions: Show us Your love, Lord.
14:39 Pater Noster (The Lord's Prayer)
15:16 Collect
15:41 Concluding Rite
The Liturgy of the Hours (Four Volumes), ©1974, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Readings and Old and New Testament Canticles (except the Gospel Canticles) are from the New American Bible © 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.