5 musicians and artists rank 32 pieces of Church music. What will make the F tier? How many will make the S tier? Join LIVE in case we need a swing vote.
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0:00 Intro
0:58 Introduction of Panel
4:28 Adoro Te Devote
9:14 All Are Welcome
13:47 Anima Christi
22:53 Ave Maria - Biebl
29:52 Ave Maria - Schubert
37:13 Ave Maris Stella - Chant
39:20 Ave Verum - Byrd
41:33 Be Thou My Vision
44:42 Berlin Mass: Kyrie - Arvo Pärt
50:29 Dies Irae - Chat
54:56 Gloria - Vivaldi
59:18 Holy, Holy, Holy
1:01:31 Holy is His Name
1:05:20 How Great Thou Art
1:09:44 In Christ Alone
1:10:19 Locus Iste - Chant
1:10:53 Lord of the Dance
1:12:53 Miserere - Allegri
1:13:18 Miserere - Mozart
1:15:29 Missa Papae Marcelli: Kyrie - Palestrina
1:16:13 Ne Irascaris Domine - Byrd
1:16:44 O God Beyond All Praising - Gustav Holst
1:17:40 O Magnum Mysterium - Lauridsen
1:19:11 O Salutaris Hostia - Werner
1:20:23 Pange Lingua Gloriosi - Aquinas
1:21:27 Regina Caeli Laetare - Lotti
1:22:39 Dies Irae - Mozart
1:24:40 Salve Regina
1:26:25 Sicut Cervus - Palestrina
1:27:58 Table of Plenty - Dan Schutte
1:28:55 Ubi Caritas - DuruflĂŠ
1:30:21 Veni Creator Spiritus - Chant
1:32:18 You Are Mine - David Haas
1:38:55 Mark Nowakowski http://current.marknowakowski.com/ & https://substack.com/@marknowakowski
1:39:42 Floriani Sacred Music https://www.floriani.org/ https://www.instagram.com/florianisacredmusic/
1:41:59 Final ranking
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