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Immerse yourself in the timeless beauty of Gregorian Chant with this solemn and reverent rendition of the Kyrie, one of the most ancient prayers of the Catholic Church. Derived from the Greek phrase Kyrie eleison ("Lord, have mercy"), this sacred invocation has been sung in the Latin Mass for centuries, expressing the faithful’s plea for divine mercy and grace.
Chanted in the pure, meditative tones of the monastic tradition, this performance connects us to the deep spiritual roots of early Christian worship. The Kyrie is the first sung prayer of the Mass, a moment of profound humility and reverence that prepares the soul for communion with God.
Let the serene voices of this sacred choir uplift your heart in prayer, whether for personal meditation, reflection, or devotion. May these ancient melodies guide you toward peace and contemplation in the presence of the Lord.
Gregorian Chants: Kyrie | Catholic Chants and Sacred Choir for Prayer
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Gregorian Chants From Monasteries:
Gregorian Chants in Honor of Mary:
Gregorian Chants from Benedictine Monks:
Mass in Gregorian Chant:
➤ Music by:
Voice: Cantori Gregoriani
Director: Fulvio Rampi
From the album "Canto Gregoriano"
℗ 2003 La Gloria / Rusty Records
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00:00 - Kyrie IX: O Pater excelse
01:29 - Graduale: Miserere mihi
04:54 - Sanctus XVII
06:16 - Agnus Dei XVII
07:24 - Communio: Lutum fecit
09:40 - Communio: Populus acquisitionis
14:00 - Communio: Narrabo omnia mirabilia tua
16:48 - Introito: Rorate caeli
19:52 - Graduale: A summo caelo
23:56 - Alleluia: Specie tua
26:20 - Offertorio: Exsulta satis
27:33 - Communio: Ecce virgo
30:44 - Responsorio: Virgo parens Christi
33:33 - Antifona al Magnificat: Beata es Maria
37:46 - Antifona: Salve Regina
40:38 - Graduale: Omnes de Saba
44:17 - Offertorio: Benedictus qui venit
➤ Gregorian chants are a form of sacred music that originated in the medieval period and are still performed by Catholic monks today. They are characterized by their hauntingly beautiful melodies and sacred Latin texts, making them a powerful tool for prayer and meditation
➤ Image by:
Midjourney AI
➤ Contact:
For licensing inquiries and copyright information: [email protected]
All images are original and all music is legally licensed.
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