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Pick up Fr Kirby's Daily Discipleship here:
00:00 Introduction
01:31 Did Fr Kirby see Joe Heschmeyer debate James White
03:30 Opponents of the faith
05:22 Protestantism as a Major Heresy
08:10 How should we pray for the Pope?
13:55 Is it acceptable to drink tea/coffee during a fast?
18:15 Should we pray for people who committed suicide?
20:29 How can I make up for my sinful lifestyle?
33:40 Is it sinful not to go to my enrolled Gym class?
36:35 Do you think Christians in the west are too comfortable and too complacent?
48:15 How to I prepare for confession?
49:44 How can I encourage someone who is too embarassed to go to confession?
54:01 What will the next Pope be like?
57:00 Will Jesus return in our lifetime?