Catholic Answers Live | September 16, 2024 Hour 1
Thanks to @RunnyBabbitMom for providing the corrected timecodes!
0:00 - Introduction
1:51 - How was it determined 7 is the age of reason?
5:01 - Can you explain how the Byzantine Church is in full communion with The Roman Catholic Church?
7:00 - TITLE QUESTION: Can you explain what the gift of tongues is?
14:30 - My Nan said about having kids If you pencil them in you'll never be able to afford them, just have them and everything will work out.
17:08 - Jimmy can you adopt me and be my grandpa?
20:00 - Did you say in a video that there is proof for the Exodus but not so much the Fall of Jericho? What does this do to biblical inerrancy?
23:42 - Does past pope corruption disprove the Catholic Chuch?
36:27 - Did Mother Mary die in Jerusalem or Israel?
43:28 - What would people do in the Old Testament to be forgiven by God?
45:43 - Is there many Gods in the multiverse?
52:41 - Can you explain the errors of premillennialisim?