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Discovering the Catechism Episode 4: Ways of coming to know God.
Here Gavin Ashenden and Katherine Bennett discuss the ways in which man can come to know God and the honesty required to make the journey. They draw on key thinkers, church fathers, scripture, nature and personal experience.
00:00 Introduction
00:48 Ways of coming to know God
01:24 The Reality of God is impossible to avoid
04:18 Machiavelli and the Paradigm Lost
07:14 Man reduced to matter and everything becomes competitive
08:15 Sharing of spiritual goods multiply
09:04 The impact of Metaphysical awareness
10:26 Machiavellian assumptions about reality
12:06 The problem with the notion of 'Chance' for atheists
13:23 Aquinas wins Machiavelli loses
15:31 A challenge from St Augustine
16:04 We are vulnerable to beauty
18:50 Beauty as a route to God
20:50 Man's appetite for Beauty
21:53 William Paley Watchmaker analogy
22:45 Pascal overwhelmed by the presence of God
26:50 The only reason to believe anything is because it's true
29:05 Gavin's path to God
30:11 Recognising that need for something bigger than ourselves