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TOPIC: The Why's of Catholic Belief
GUEST: Dr. Karlo Broussard
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:04:38 - Why does the Catholic Church claim to teach salvation by faith?
00:17:38 - Why do Catholics believe in purgatory and what does that mean?
00:31:29 - What is the Catholic interpretation of Romans 4:5?
00:35:13 - Why don’t we see Catholics street preaching? If they do, what does that evangelization look like?
00:45:50 - Why do we as Catholics believe in some of the laws of the Old Testament such as priestly laws? Why do we follow those and not others like the Mosaic laws?
00:55:00 - 5-Minute Break
01:07:11 - I’m new to Catholicism. What next steps can I take to learn more?
01:13:34 - What reliable methods do Catholics have to detect the supernatural?
01:22:01 - I’m Protestant. Why does RCIA/OCIA take so long?
01:29:48 - Why did they get rid of the communion rail?
01:33:24 - Why should a non-denominational Christian become Catholic?
01:38:07 - Are there levels of Purgatory?
01:47:05 - What are the 3 most common misconceptions that keep Protestants away from Catholicism?