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Welcome to our daily Advent retreat! Today, we reflect on the wisdom of St. Alphonsus, who reminds us of the essential desire to become a saint: "No saint has ever become a saint without having a desire for sanctity."
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Holiness requires discipline, perseverance, and embracing hardships as a path to union with Christ. Just as an athlete trains and disciplines themselves for the glory of gold, we, too, must train our souls—punishing selfish desires and dedicating time to prayer and virtue.
Jesus tells us, "If you want to be my disciple, you must pick up your cross daily and follow me." This call invites us to reorder our lives, placing God first in all things. Whether it’s sacrificing a small comfort, like delaying coffee to spend time in morning prayer, or seeking the grace to discipline our time, these acts of love draw us closer to Christ.
St. Alphonsus offers practical advice: if we feel we lack the desire for holiness, we should simply ask for it. Jesus assures us, "Ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you shall find." The very desire for sainthood is a sign of God’s grace working in us.